This project is maintained by spoddutur
In this blog, You’ll get to know how to use SPARK as Cloud-based SQL Engine and expose your big-data as a JDBC/ODBC data source via the Spark thrift server. You can connect to ThriftServer using BI tools like Tableau, SQuirrel SQL Client and enable interactive data visualizations
Traditional relational Database engines like SQL had scalability problems and so evolved couple of SQL-on-Hadoop frameworks like Hive, Cloudier Impala, Presto etc. These frameworks are essentially cloud-based solutions and they all come with their own limitations as listed in the table below. Please refer to Appendix section at the end of this blog if you want to learn more on this
In this blog, we’ll discuss one more such Cloud-based SQL engine using SPARK and I’ll demo how to connect to it using Beeline CLI and as Java JDBC source with an example walkthrough.
Using Spark as a distributed SQL engine, we can expose our data in one of the two forms:
Data from multiple sources can be pushed into Spark and then exposed as a table in one of the two mentioned approaches discussed above. Either ways, these tables are then made accessible as a JDBC/ODBC data source via the Spark thrift server. We have multiple clients like Beeline CLI, JDBC, ODBC, BusinessIntelligence tools like Tableau etc available to connect to thrift server and visualize our data. Following picture illustrates the same:
Spark thrift server is pretty similar to HiveServer2 thrift. But, HiveServer2 submits the sql queries as Hive MapReduce job whereas Spark thrift server will use Spark SQL engine which underline uses full spark capabilities.
Let’s walk through an example of how to use Spark as a distributed data backend engine
Code written in Scala 2.11
and Spark 2.1.x
// Create SparkSession
val spark1 = SparkSession.builder()
.config("hive.server2.thrift.port", “10000")
.config("spark.sql.hive.thriftServer.singleSession", true)
import spark1.implicits._
// load data from '/beeline/input.json' file in HDFS
val records =“json").load("beeline/input.json")
// `As we discussed above, i'll show both the approaches to expose data with SparkSQL (Use any one of them):`
// `APPROACH 1: in-memory temp table names "records":`
// `APPROACH 2: parquet-format physical table named "records" in S3`
spark1.sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS records")
There are 2 ways to run above code:
spark-shell --conf spark.sql.hive.thriftServer.singleSession=true
// <master> can be local[*] or yarn depending on where you run.
spark-submit MainClass --master <master> <JAR_FILE_NAME>
Now, that our data is registered with Spark and exposed as JDBC source via Spark Thrift Server, let’s see how to access it..
Perhaps the easiest way to test is using a command line tool beeline. I’ll show how to access data using beeline from within the cluster and from a remote machine:
is an executable present in bin folder of $SPARK_HOME
. We start beeline like this:
`$> beeline`
Beeline version 2.1.1-amzn-0 by Apache Hive
// Connect to spark thrift server..
`beeline> !connect jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000`
Connecting to jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000
Enter username for jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000:
Enter password for jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000:
Connected to: Apache Hive (version 2.1.1-amzn-0)
Driver: Hive JDBC (version 2.1.1-amzn-0)
17/06/26 08:35:42 [main]: WARN jdbc.HiveConnection: Request to set autoCommit to false; Hive does not support autoCommit=false.
is present..
`jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> show tables;`
| tab_name |
| records |
This is exactly same as what we did above. Use beeline from any machine but instead of connecting to localhost spark thrift, we connect to remote spark thrift server like this:
`beeline> !connect jdbc:hive2://<REMOTE_SPARK_MASTER_IP>:10000`
We've looked into:
and spark-submit
$SPARK_HOME/sbin/ --master spark://<_IP-ADDRESS_>:7077
starting org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.HiveThriftServer2, logging to /Users/surthi/Downloads/spark-2.1.1-bin-hadoop2.7/logs/spark-surthi-org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.HiveThriftServer2-1-P-Sruthi.local.out