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Apache Spark - Deep Dive into Storage Format’s

Apache Spark has been evolving at a rapid pace, including changes and additions to core APIs. Spark being an in-memory big-data processing system, memory is a critical indispensable resource for it. So, efficient usage of memory becomes very vital to it. Let’s try to find answer to following questions in this article:

What storage format did Spark use?


How did storage format evolve over a period of time?

The answer to this question is not only interesting but also lengthy. Let’s dive into the driving factors and the journey of how Storage formats evolved in two parts:

  1. Advancement from RDD to Row-based Dataset.
  2. From Row-based Dataset to Column-based Parquet.

Part1: Evolution of Data Storage Format’s - Advancement of RDD to Row-based Dataset.

We cannot find the answer for this question, without diving into Project Tungsten. Just go with the flow and you’ll reason out as to why are we looking into Tungsten soon. Project Tungsten has been the largest change to Spark’s execution engine since its inception. This project has led to some fundamental changes in Spark. One such change gave birth to DataSet. Let’s start by looking at the goal of Project Tungsten.

Objective of Project Tungsten 


Why this objective?

The focus on CPU efficiency is motivated by the fact that Spark workloads are increasingly bottlenecked by CPU and memory use rather than IO and network communication. To understand this better:

These two trends mean that Spark today is constrained more by CPU efficiency and memory pressure rather than network or disk IO


First things first..We need to understand the problem with old execution engine before we think of solutions to improve efficiency. To better understand this, let’s take a simple task of filtering a stream of integers and see how spark 1.x used to interpret it. Image

What is the problem with this query plan?

As mentioned in the picture above, Spark doesn’t know:

Because of the lack of transparency, there’s barely any scope for spark to optimise the query plan.

What transparency does spark need?

Spark needs transparency in 2 aspects:

  1. Data Schema:
    • How many and what fields are there in each data record?
    • What are the datatypes of each field?
  2. User operation: Spark should know what kind of operation user is trying to perform on which field of the data record.

How does this transparency help Spark?

It helps spark improve performance. Its easier to illustrate it with an example. Consider joining two inputs df1 and df2. JoinCondition: column x of df1 = column y of df2.

Following figure depicts the join and its query plan that spark generates: Image Because the join condition is an anonymous function (myUDF), the only way for spark to perform this join is:

  1. Perform cartesian product of df1 with df2.
  2. Now, apply filter fn (myUDF) on the cartesian result which is an anonymous function that filters with df1[x] == df2[y] condition. Runtime = n^2!!

How can transparency help spark improve this?

The problem in the above query was that join condition is an anonymous function. If spark is aware of the join condition and data schema [datatype of x and y columns] then spark would:

Action Plan1:

  1. Have user register dataschema - This will spark transparency on what data it is handling
  2. Make the operations that user want to perform on data transparent to Spark


Spark tries to do everything in-memory. So, the next question is to know if there is a way to reduce memory footprint. We need to understand how is data laid out in memory for this.

How is data laid out in memory?

With RDD’s data is stored as Java Objects. There’s a whole lot of serialisation, deserialisation, hashing and object creation that happens whenever we want to perform an operation on these java objects’s and during shuffles. Apart from this Java objects have large overheads.

Should spark stop relying on JavaObjects? Why?

Ans: Java Objects have large overheads Consider a simple string “abcd”. One would think it would take about ~4bytes of memory. But in reality, a java string variable storing the value “abcd” would take 48 bytes. Its breakdown is shown in the picture below. Now, imagine the amount of large overheads a proper JavaObject like a tuple3 of (Int, String, String) shown on the right hand side of the picture below takes. Image

Action Plan2:

Instead of java objects, come up with a data format which is more compact and less overhead

Action Plan1 + Action Plan2 together:

  1. Have user register dataschema - This will spark transparency on what data it is handling
  2. Make the operations that user want to perform on data transparent to Spark
  3. Create new data layout which is more compact and less overhead.

    This paved way to “Dataframes and Datasets”

What is DataSet/DataFrame?

A Dataset is a strongly-typed, immutable collection of objects with 2 important changes that spark introduced as we discussed in our action plan:

Introduced new Binary Row-Based Format:


Following picture illustrates the same with an example. In this example, we took a tuple3 object (123, “data”, “bricks”) and and let’s see how its stored in this new row-format.

Data Schema Registration

Following example shows how to register data schema: In this example, we’re creating “students” Dataset.

case class Student(id: Long, name: String, yearOfJoining: Long, depId: Long)
val students =“/students.json").as[Student]

Note that **.as[Student]** function call is registering schema of input students data with Spark.

Let’s see how transformations are applied on dataset

Transformations are nothing but simple operations like filter, join, map etc which take a dataset as input and return new transformed dataset. Please find below two transformations examples:

  1. Filter students by YearOfJoining > 2015
    // syntax: dataset.filter(filter_condition)

    You might have noticed that filter condition is not anonymous function anymore. we’re explicitly telling spark now to filter using yearOfJoining > 2015 condition

  2. Join Student with Department
    // syntax: ds1.join(ds2, join_condition)
    students.join(department, students.col("deptId").equalTo(department.col("id")))

    Notice that join condition (students.col("deptId").equalTo(department.col("id"))) is also not anonymous function!! We’re explicitly telling spark to join on students[depId] == department[id] condition

Some more things to note on Dataset’s:

RDD’s of JavaObjects (vs) Dataset’s


Benefits of Dataset’s

What does in-place transformation with dataset’s mean?

With RDD’s, to apply a transformation operation on data (like filter, map, groupBy, count etc), there are 3 steps:

  1. Its first deserialized into java object
  2. We apply the transformation operation on JavaObject and
  3. Finally serialize javaobject back into bytes.

With Dataset’s, in-Place Transformation essentially means that, we need not deserialize a dataset to apply a transformation on it. Let’s see how it happens next..

How does in-place transformation happen in DataSet/Dataframe?

Let’s see how the same old filter fn behaves now. Consider the case where we’ve to filter input by year>2015 condition in a dataframe. Note that the filter condition specified via the dataframe code df.where(df(“year” > 2015)) is not an anonymous function. Spark exactly knows which column it needs for this task and that it needs to do greater than comparison. image

The low-level byte code generated for this query looks something like this as shown in the above figure:

// This filter function is returning boolean on 'year > 2015' condition
bool filter(Object baseObject) {

// 1. compute offset from where to fetch the column 'year'
int offset = baseoffset + <..>

// 2. Fetch the value of 'year' column of the given baseObject 
// directly without deserialing baseObject
int value = Platform.getInt(baseObject, offset)

// 3. return the boolean
return value > 2015

Interesting things to note here is that:

This is great!! Let’s see how does in-place transformation helps in speed?

Atleast for the simple use cases..

Finally: What is DataSet/DataFrame?

Part2: Evolution of Data Storage Format’s - from Row-based Dataset to Column-based Parquet:

As per our discussions so far, Spark 1.x used row-based storage format for Dataset’s. Spark 2.x added support for column-based format. columnar format is basically transpose of row-based storage. All of the integers are packed together, all the strings are together. Following picture illustrates the memory layout of a row-baed vs column-based storage formats. Image

Why columnar?

2nd Generation Tungsten Engine tried to use some standard optimisation techniques like loop unrolling, SIMD, prefetching etc which modern compilers and CPUs apply to speed up runtime. As part of this, Spark came up with two new optimization techniques called WholeStageCodeGeneration and Vectorization (Detail of these technologies can be found here). For this spark did 2 things:

  1. Tweaked its execution engine to perform vector operations and attained data level parallelism at algorithm level
  2. Spark moved from row-based to columnar in-memory data enabling themselves for further SIMD optimisations like data striping for better cache and other advantages listed below.

What opportunities did columnar storage open up?

  1. Regular data access vs Complicated off-set computation: Data access is more regular in columnar format. For example, if we have an integer, we always access them 4 bytes apart. That’s very nice for the cpu. With row-based format there’s complicated offset computation to know where am I.
  2. Denser storage: Because the nature of the data is homogeneous, we can apply better compression techniques according to the data type.
  3. Compatibility and zero serialization: Columnar format is more compatible because many high performance systems already use columnar like numpy, tensorflow etc. Add on top of it, with spark having them in memory implies zero serialisation and zero copy. For example, most of our spark plan is evaluated in spark and at the end of it we want to call tensor flow and when its done, we want to get back. With spark using columnar in-memory format, that’s compatible with tensorflow. So, its gonna be done without ever having to do serialisation etc. It just works together.
  4. Compatibility with in-memory cache: Having columnar storage is more compatible for obvious reasons with spark’s in-memory columnar-cache.
  5. More Extensions: Modern day data-intensive machine learning applications through-put is achieved in industry by running on GPUs. GPUs are more powerful than CPUs for homogeneous data crunching. Having homogenous columnar storage paves way for future off-loading the processing to GPU’s and TPU’s to avail its advanced hardwares. (Please find performance comparision between GPU & TPU in Appendix section below)

Performance Benchmarking:

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A quick additional note on GPU & TPU’s:

Following graph depicts the performance/watt comparision between CPU, GPU, TPU and TPU’ - latestTPU: image